The legends about “quality” of the medical institution “Charite” have long been rife in Europe. The international Mass Media reports are indicative of it. Thus, in January this year the Berlin police and prosecutor’s offices were carrying out the searches in outpatients centers of the clinic as well as in the apartments of some employees of “Charite” suspected of fraud. The spokesman of Berlin prosecutor’s office Martin Steltner stated that the law-enforcement officers conducted search warrants in all five outpatients centers and private houses of the employees of the clinic. Altogether the prosecutor initiated 32 search warrants. No less than ten employees of the medical institution were suspected of calculated fraud. According to Steltner, during several years the centers were rendering accounts to the patients from medical persons who didn’t have any right to do it. For example, to treat a patient and receive money for that from the cash register is exclusive right of those medical personnel who have the license for medical practice; however, in “Charite” assistant doctors working in in-patient departments or even administrators often stood in for them. And this is not a single instance but more goal-directed illegal practice. Apparently it explains the fact of German prosecutor’s office taking more and more close interest in work of “Charite” over last couple of months. This was the case in October 2012 when at the clinic’s premises eight babies contracted bacteria infection, and in November – as the result of the rape of 16-old patient by male nurse. And once again there’s unpleasant news – on 19th of February this year, according to influential “Berliner Zeitung” in the “Charite” department for newly-born, three babies contracted bacterial infection, more likely – the Serratia bacteria. It is difficult to understand the logic of some European politicians who still listen to the statements and conclusions of “specialists” of the clinic with such reputation. In effect, the personnel of “Charite” is little known beyond this medical institutions. Besides, the quacks of “Charite” allow themselves to openly neglect the opinion of the domestic doctors with world names in neuralgia sphere. Though, why wonder here?: there’s one logic here, perhaps – there’s much to gain if to hear what one wants to hear or what was ordered. And everything which doesn’t fall under the criteria or, God forbid, run counter to such criteria, shouldn’t be taken into account but should be considered as “underhand intrigues of the foes”. Probably for that particular reason the statement of ordinary physiotherapist of “Charite” Annet Reishauer about the state of Yu.Tymohenko being close to paralysis was gladly welcomed by “International community” (and why not say frankly: by Ms Merkel and her partners from “old Europe”). As the saying goes, he who pays receives the diagnosis according to the pricelist. The more the merrier. The main medical story-teller of our time, director of the board of “Charite”clinic Karl Max Aynhoyphl recently once again stated that heroine of the thriller “Save Yulia” must not be disturbed by no means and the treatment should be carried out only in in-patient department. Preferably in presence of dear lawyer and MPs-female friends who, apparently, have a healing influence on the organism of Tymoshenko. And in this case it never matters that the luminaries of Ukrainian science have come to the following conclusion: 10-months patient treatment which envisaged her taking a number of physiotherapy and rehabilitation treatments has been completed. Moreover, the Ukrainian doctors underlined that further taking of any treatments may have adverse effect. In other words, our doctors have mildly notified that they are not willing to take part in the farce of “salvation of Tymoshenko” where the only thing which is important is process and its cost. Well, can it be any different? Who dares to challenge the threat to life and health of “orange” (or maybe “gas”) princess who is so dear to the heart of Western burgher? The members of the Ukrainian commission? But who on earth they are! And this poor opinion of their?! However, if one studies thoroughly the track record of the Ukrainian doctors who are the members of the Commission of Ministry of Health Protection – everything becomes loud and clear. Thus, Evgeniy Pedachenko – member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, Honored Science and Technology worker, one of the world leading neurosurgery practitioner; he’s frequently invited to the leading foreign clinics including in order to conduct surgical interventions. Academician Pedachenko gives lectures on neurosurgery in Austria, Spain, Germany, USA, Switzerland and other countries, he is permanent member of Neurotraumatological Committee of World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies, Royal Society of Surgeons and so on. One can endlessly continue to enumerate regalia of this expert, who is, by the way, in the top five of the best world’s practitioners in neurosurgery according to the version of the American Small-Invasive Spinal Surgeons Association. Other members of the Commission of Ministry of Health Protection are his peers Vasiliy Netyazhenko, universally recognized specialist on rehabilitation medicine as well as world-known Ukrainian doctor, corresponding member of National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine, member of International Internal Medicine Society Executive Committee; Nikolai Korzh – Doctor of Medicine, member of International Orthopedist and Traumatologist Association , vise-president of the Ukrainian Orthopedist and Traumatologist Association and Ukrainian Osteoporosis Association.
The opinion about the composition of the Commission of the Ministry of Health Protection as well as its professionalism can be formed even by judging the fact that every doctor being member of this Commission have impeccable record of medical experience. As compared with them, German quacks are mountebanks, pure and simple, and it is scary even to let them treat cows; however, their unquestionable advantage is unscrupulous behavior and readiness to set any diagnosis in exchange for your money, “having in mind” opinion of any competent doctors. It turns out that the conclusion of the Commission of the Ministry of Health Protection about inexpediency of further treatment of Yulia Tymoshenko is of no value because it is not the way the European politicians would like it to be. “Double standards” when dealing with different issues of international politics has long become “calling card” of EU officials. Therefore, like-minded persons and team-mates of Tymoshenko shouldn’t harbor unnecessary illusions if eurobureaucrats happen to find no advantage in supporting her, then in the nearest future no one from them will even remember Yulia. Political expedience, alas, is cynical. Today Europe needs “ill” Yulia-martyr, but who knows what will happen tomorrow… Geopolitical policies are inconstant, and serving the needs of politicians is always lucrative business. Believe, in “Charite” they have first-hand knowledge and quite hurry to work in this direction. Being elusively commercial project, “Charite” clinic never denied its desire to make money, however, when it comes to ordinary quackery and trickery, so called “specialists” of “Charite” tries to defend themselves, however it is difficult to hide an awl in a sack.
Mass Media not but once informed about the commercial implications of the farce from “Charite” by publishing materials, including video and audio information where entourage of VIP prisoner from “Batkivschyna” gives the doctor of the German clinic, attending medical doctor of Tymoshenko – Lutz Harmse, a red-carpet treatment – they take him for a ride on private motor boats and bowling, they lead him to the VIP-loge to the Europe Championship-2012 Finals. One should mention that the price of one place cost at the time as much as 1 thousand euro for one match. The German doctor was accompanied by a famous Ukrainian photo model and glamorous Katerynchuk (the cost of one-day entertainment of German physician – around 60-70 thousand UAH, meaning – 8-9 thousands USD). In the accessible for public correspondence between daughter of ex-Prime-Minister Evgenia and Grigoriy Nemyrya it is mentioned that the “Charite” medical bill is 680 thousands of euro per month. Simple arithmetic calculations suggest that from May 2012 Yu.Tymoshenko “was treated” for 6 millions 800 thousands euro. Of course, foreign quacks rushed to the courts with statements that they didn’t take money and the treatment of the convict leader of the Ukrainian opposition is solely free of charge and that the family only covers the expenditures on transportation and accommodation of the “Charite” specialists. Blessed are the faithful… One may talk about cost of transfers: let’s count – charter flights to Europe, 5 in total, cost minimum, 35 thousands euro each, and internal flights, 3 minimum, – 10 thousand euro each, therefore, the flight costs total more than 200 thousands euros. In total, except huge expenditures of “Batkivschyna” and Tymoshenko family we also see fabulous earnings of “Charite” even by international standards. This money may be enough to heal half of Europe. The Germans have also forgotten Hippocratic Oath and professional ethics. Saying, you pay us and we will even treat you for deafness, blindness and middle ear hernia. But most important we will concoct nice documents as bonus. These are the assistants and valiant German doctors are working for our Lady “Yu”. One may think that if one year is not enough for them to heal the VIP patient it means that there’s money and “Charite” has a special feel for that. While the question remains open and Yulia Vladimirovna again motivates her refusal to be transported under guard to Kyiv based on the test results of the most “honest and incorruptible”. It is unknown what more “Charite” quakes will cash in on fields of Ukrainian opposition, however one can feel human sympathy for Yulia, because fabulous earrings only stir up exorbitant appetite of German doctors. It may be the case that neither recent Gazprom kickbacks nor funds that are long been looked for – being the result of joint “work” of Yuila and Lazarenko who is up until now cannot square it up with American Justice – won’t be enough.